Man  Working in  Pottery Studio

DoCurious was founded by Dr. Perednia, a doctor concerned about the effect prolonged screen time was having on kids.

He built a team and created an online marketplace full of activities that are scientifically-proven to boost your mental wellbeing.

The problem they were facing:

DoCurious had to build an audience from the ground up so they had an audience to launch their marketplace to.

They needed a strong LinkedIn to attract other business partners, as well as a strong Instagram to attract customers.

They wanted to grow followers at a consistent rate, and generate email signups from their socials.

The Solution:

To help DoCurious achieve their goal consistent growth, I created a content strategy to implement across their social channels.

The platform strategies varied slightly since we were targeting multiple segments, but all were created to drive growth and email sign-ups.

As a result, DoCurious saw positive growth metrics month over month across social platforms, as well as email opt-ins driven from IG.

Instagram Growth: 14.1% growth in the last 3 months | 750+ profile views

LinkedIn Growth: 260+ clicks | 12% growth in the last 3 months

The Receipts:


*Click below each video to open them up in Instagram*

Click here to view in IG

Sound interesting?

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